Açılamalı Link
<Html><Head><Title>www.html-kodlari.tr.gg</title><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="tr"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"></head></html> <!-- Bu Sayfa www.html-kodlari.tr.gg Ürünüdür. --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> /******************************************************************* * * File : AnimatedFader.js * * Created : 2000/05/28 * * Author : Roy Whittle (akin-aslan@hotmail.de) www.html-kodlari.tr.gg * * Purpose : To create fading text descriptions * * History * Date Version Description * * 2000-05-28 1.0 Initial version. Based on the State Transition * Diagram created for animated rollovers I * modified the code to fade text. * 2000-05-29 1.1 I did not follow the STD correctly and introduced * a bug that left objects in the ON state. * This is now corrected. * 2000-06-07 1.2 Introduced a start colour so that the script * can be used on different backgrounds. * Change the var AnimationRunning and FrameInterval * so they don't conflict with animate2.js * 2000-08-09 1.3 Added Gecko ( Netscape 6 Preview Release 1 ) support * - Ken workman k.workman@3DASA.com * 2000-10-15 1.4 Modified to make Netscpe 6 (PR3) more efficient * by just changing the color instead of replacing * the whole content of the DIV. ***********************************************************************/ /*** Create some global variables ***/ var FadingObject = new Array(); var FadeRunning=false; var FadeInterval=30; /*******************************************************************************/ /*** These are the simplest HEX/DEC conversion routines I could come up with ***/ /*** I have seen a lot of fade routines that seem to make this a ***/ /*** very complex task. I am sure somene else must've had this idea ***/ /*******************************************************************************/ var hexDigit=new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"); function dec2hex(dec) { return(hexDigit[dec>>4]+hexDigit[dec&15]); } function hex2dec(hex) { return(parseInt(hex,16)) } /******************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************** * Function : createFaderObject * * Parameters : theDiv - The name of the DIV in which to fade the text * numSteps - The number of steps to use in the fade. * startColor - The background colour of the page. * * Description : Creates an object that can hold the current * state of the fade animation for a particular DIV ***********************************************************/ function createFaderObject(theDiv, numSteps, startColor) { if(!startColor) startColor = "000000"; this.name = theDiv; this.text = null; this.color = "FFFFFF"; this.next_text = null; this.next_color = null; this.state = "OFF"; this.index = 0; this.steps = numSteps; this.r = hex2dec(startColor.slice(0,2)); this.g = hex2dec(startColor.slice(2,4)); this.b = hex2dec(startColor.slice(4,6)); } /*********************************************************** * Function : FadingText * * Parameters : theDiv - The name of the DIV in which to fade the text * numSteps - The number of steps to use in the fade. * * Description : Library function to be called from the main HTML. * Creates an object that can hold the current * state of the fade animation for a particular DIV ***********************************************************/ function FadingText(theDiv, numSteps, startColor) { FadingObject[theDiv] = new createFaderObject(theDiv, numSteps, startColor); } /***************************************************************** * Function : start_fading * * Description : If the FadeAnimation loop is not currently running * then it is started. *****************************************************************/ function start_fading() { if(!FadeRunning) FadeAnimation(); } /***************************************************************** * Function : set_text * * Description : In the new W3C DOM model we need only set the text * once, after that we can just change the colour *****************************************************************/ function set_text(f) { if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1 && document.getElementById) { var theElement = document.getElementById(f.name); var newRange = document.createRange(); newRange.setStartBefore(theElement); var strFrag = newRange.createContextualFragment(f.text); while (theElement.hasChildNodes()) theElement.removeChild(theElement.lastChild); theElement.appendChild(strFrag); theElement.style.color="#"+f.startColor; } } /***************************************************************** * * Function : getColor * * Parameters : f - the fade object for which to calculate the colour. * * Description: Calculates the color of the link depending on * how far through the fade we are. * *****************************************************************/ function getColor(f) { var r=hex2dec(f.color.slice(0,2)); var g=hex2dec(f.color.slice(2,4)); var b=hex2dec(f.color.slice(4,6)); r2= Math.floor(f.r+(f.index*(r-f.r))/(f.steps) + .5); g2= Math.floor(f.g+(f.index*(g-f.g))/(f.steps) + .5); b2= Math.floor(f.b+(f.index*(b-f.b))/(f.steps) + .5); return("#" + dec2hex(r2) + dec2hex(g2) + dec2hex(b2)); } /***************************************************************** * * Function : setColor * * Parameters : fadeObj - The TextFader object to set * * Description: Gets the color of the text and writes it to * the DIV. * *****************************************************************/ function setColor(fadeObj) { var theColor=getColor(fadeObj); var str="<FONT COLOR="+ theColor + ">" + fadeObj.text + "</FONT>"; var theDiv=fadeObj.name; //if IE 4+ if(document.all) { document.all[theDiv].innerHTML=str; } //else if NS 4 else if(document.layers) { document.nscontainer.document.layers[theDiv].document.write(str); document.nscontainer.document.layers[theDiv].document.close(); } //else if NS 6 (supports new DOM, may work in IE5) - see Website Abstraction for more info. //http://www.wsabstract.com/javatutors/dynamiccontent4.shtml else if (document.getElementById) { theElement = document.getElementById(theDiv); theElement.style.color=theColor; } } /***************************************************************** * * Function : fade_up * * Parameters : theDiv - The div in which to display the text * newText - The text to display when faded in * newColor- The color the text will be. * * Description: Depending on the current "state" of the fade * this function will determine the new state and * if neccessary, start the fade effect. * *****************************************************************/ function fade_up(theDiv, newText, newColor) { var f=FadingObject[theDiv]; if(newColor == null) newColor="FFFFFF"; if(f.state == "OFF") { f.text = newText; f.color = newColor; f.state = "FADE_UP"; set_text(f); start_fading(); } else if( f.state == "FADE_UP_DOWN" || f.state == "FADE_DOWN" || f.state == "FADE_DOWN_UP") { if(newText == f.text) f.state = "FADE_UP"; else { f.next_text = newText; f.next_color = newColor; f.state = "FADE_DOWN_UP"; } } } /***************************************************************** * * Function : fade_down * * Parameters : theDiv - The div in which to display the text * * Description: Depending on the current "state" of the fade * this function will determine the new state and * if neccessary, start the fade effect. * *****************************************************************/ function fade_down(theDiv) { var f=FadingObject[theDiv]; if(f.state=="ON") { f.state="FADE_DOWN"; start_fading(); } else if(f.state=="FADE_DOWN_UP") { f.state="FADE_DOWN"; f.next_text = null; } else if(f.state == "FADE_UP") { f.state="FADE_UP_DOWN"; } } /******************************************************************* * * Function : Animate * * Description : This function is based on the Animate function * of animate.js (animated rollovers). * Each fade object has a state. This function * modifies each object and changes its state. *****************************************************************/ function FadeAnimation() { FadeRunning = false; for (var d in FadingObject) { var f=FadingObject[d]; if(f.state == "FADE_UP") { if(f.index < f.steps) f.index++; else f.index = f.steps; setColor(f); if(f.index == f.steps) f.state="ON"; else FadeRunning = true; } else if(f.state == "FADE_UP_DOWN") { if(f.index < f.steps) f.index++; else f.index = f.steps; setColor(f); if(f.index == f.steps) f.state="FADE_DOWN"; FadeRunning = true; } else if(f.state == "FADE_DOWN") { if(f.index > 0) f.index--; else f.index = 0; setColor(f); if(f.index == 0) f.state="OFF"; else FadeRunning = true; } else if(f.state == "FADE_DOWN_UP") { if(f.index > 0) f.index--; else f.index = 0; setColor(f); if(f.index == 0) { f.text = f.next_text; f.color = f.next_color; f.next_text = null; f.state ="FADE_UP"; set_text(f); } FadeRunning = true; } } /*** Check to see if we need to animate any more frames. ***/ if(FadeRunning) setTimeout("FadeAnimation()", FadeInterval); }</SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> /* * FadingText(divName, numSteps, BGColor) * divName : Must match the DIV names defined at the end of the BODY) * numSteps: The number of steps in the fading transition * BGColor : The background colour of the DIV or document. */ FadingText('fade1', 10,"FFFFFF"); /*** The "Frame Interval" Smaller = faster ***/ FadeInterval=30; </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <p><A HREF="http://www.html-kodlari.tr.gg" onMouseOver="fade_up('fade1','<FONT SIZE=4 FACE=Verdana>Türkiyenin Yeni Interactive Sitesi</FONT>','000000')" onMouseOut="fade_down('fade1')">HTML-KODLARI.Tr.GG Türkiyenin Yeni Interactive Sitesi</A> <p><A HREF="http://www.e-dersane.com" onMouseOver="fade_up('fade1','<FONT SIZE=4 FACE=Verdana>Web tasarımcıları için bulunmaz bir site</FONT>','000000')" onMouseOut="fade_down('fade1')">E-dersane</A> <p><A HREF="http://www.ntvmsnbc.com" onMouseOver="fade_up('fade1','<FONT SIZE=4 FACE=Verdana>Türkiye'nin haber portalı</FONT>','000000')" onMouseOut="fade_down('fade1')">Ntvmsnbc</A> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers){ document.write('<ilayer name="nscontainer" width="100%" height="100">') document.write('<layer name="fade1" width="100%" height="100">') document.write('</layer></ilayer>') } else document.write('<DIV ID="fade1"></DIV>') </script> </BODY> </HTML>
Açılır Menü
<Html><Head><Title>www.html-kodlari.tr.gg</title><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="tr"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"></head></html> <!-- Bu Sayfa www.html-kodlari.tr.gg Ürünüdür. --> <style>BODY{font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica;font-size:70%;} H1{font-size:120%;font-style:italic;} DIV#divMenuBar{background-color:#6699CC;} TABLE#tblMenuBar TD{font-size:60%;color:white;padding:0px 5px 0px 5px;cursor:default;} TABLE#tblMenuBar TD.MenuMadde{font-weight:bold;cursor:hand;} DIV.clsMenu{ font-size:90%;background-color:#6699CC; position:absolute;visibility:hidden;width:130px; padding:5px 5px 5px 8px;border-top:1 white solid; } DIV.clsMenu A{text-decoration:none;color:white;font-weight:bold;} DIV.clsMenu A:hover{color:moccasin;} BUTTON{font-family:tahoma;font-size:100%;}</style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var eOpenMenu = null; function OpenMenu(eSrc,eMenu) { eMenu.style.left = eSrc.offsetLeft + divMenuBar.offsetLeft; eMenu.style.top = divMenuBar.offsetHeight + divMenuBar.offsetTop; eMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; eOpenMenu = eMenu; } function CloseMenu(eMenu) { eMenu.style.visibility = "hidden"; eOpenMenu = null; } function document.onmouseover() { var eSrc = window.event.srcElement; if ("MenuMadde" == eSrc.className) { eSrc.style.color = "moccasin"; var eMenu = document.all[eSrc.id.replace("tdMenuBarItem","divMenu")]; if (eOpenMenu && eOpenMenu != eMenu) { CloseMenu(eOpenMenu); } if (eMenu) { OpenMenu(eSrc,eMenu); } } else if (eOpenMenu && !eOpenMenu.contains(eSrc) && !divMenuBar.contains(eSrc)) { CloseMenu(eOpenMenu); } } function document.onmouseout() { var eSrc = window.event.srcElement; if ("MenuMadde" == eSrc.className) { eSrc.style.color = ""; } } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <DIV ID="divMenuBar"> <TABLE ID="tblMenuBar" BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD CLASS="MenuMadde" ID="tdMenuBarItem01">MENÜ MADDE 01</TD> <TD>|</TD> <TD CLASS="MenuMadde" ID="tdMenuBarItem02">MENÜ MADDE 02</TD> <TD>|</TD> <TD CLASS="MenuMadde" ID="tdMenuBarItem03">MENÜ MADDE 03</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="clsMenu" ID="divMenu01"> <DIV CLASS="clsMenuAra"></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="01.asp">Madde 01</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="02.asp">Madde 02</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="03.asp">Madde 03</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="04.asp">Madde 04</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="05.asp">Madde 05</A></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="clsMenu" ID="divMenu02"> <DIV CLASS="clsMenuAra"></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="11.asp">Madde 01</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="12.asp">Madde 02</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="13.asp">Madde 03</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="14.asp">Madde 04</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="15.asp">Madde 05</A></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="clsMenu" ID="divMenu03"> <DIV CLASS="clsMenuAra"></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="21.asp">Madde 01</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="22.asp">Madde 02</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="23.asp">Madde 03</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="24.asp">Madde 04</A></DIV> <DIV><A TARGET="_new" HREF="25.asp">Madde 05</A></DIV> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>
Açılış Scripti
<Html><Head><Title>www.html-kodlari.tr.gg</title><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="tr"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"></head></html> <!-- Bu Sayfa www.html-kodlari.tr.gg Ürünüdür. --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function expandingWindow(website) { // Dikine açılma hizi (Yüksek değer=hızlı) var heightspeed = 2; // Genişlemesine açılma hizi (Yüksek değer=hızlı) var widthspeed = 7; // Soldan Kaç Piksel solda görünecek var leftdist = 0; // Yukarıdan Kaç Piksel aşağıda görünecek var topdist = 0; if (document.all) { var winwidth = window.screen.availWidth - leftdist; var winheight = window.screen.availHeight - topdist; var sizer = window.open("","","left=" + leftdist + ",top=" + topdist + ",width=1,height=1,scrollbars=yes, location=yes, status=yes, toolbar=yes,menubar=yes"); for (sizeheight = 1; sizeheight < winheight; sizeheight += heightspeed) { sizer.resizeTo("1", sizeheight); } for (sizewidth = 1; sizewidth < winwidth; sizewidth += widthspeed) { sizer.resizeTo(sizewidth, sizeheight); } sizer.location = website; } else window.location = website; } // End --> </script> </head> <body> <a href="#" onclick="expandingWindow('test.htm'); return false">Pencereyi Aç</a>
Adınızın Japoncası
<Html><Head><Title>www.html-kodlari.tr.gg</title><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="tr"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"></head></html> <!-- Bu Sayfa www.html-kodlari.tr.gg Ürünüdür. --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Momoko Sakura --> <!-- Begin function isvowel(v) { if ((v == "a") || (v == "e") || (v == "i") || (v == "o") || (v == "u")) { return true; } else { return false; } } function toJapanese(inp) { name1 = inp; otp = ""; cnt = 0; k = ""; l = ""; inp = inp.toLowerCase(); while (cnt <= inp.length - 1) { k = inp.charAt(cnt); if ((cnt + 1) > (inp.length - 1)) { l = "u"; } else { l = inp.charAt(cnt+1); } if ((k == " ") || (k == "-") || (k == "'")) { otp = otp + k; cnt += 1; } if ((l == "y") && (!isvowel(k))) { l = "i"; } if (k == "x") { if (cnt == 0) { k = "z"; } else { k = "k"; } } if (k == "g") { if ((l == "e") || (l == "i") || (l == "y")) { k = "j"; } else { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { otp = otp + k + "u"; cnt += 1; } } } if (k == "j") { if ((l == "a") || (l == "u") || (l == "o")) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt +=2; } if ((l == "e") || (l == "i")) { otp = otp + "ji"; cnt += 2; } } if (k == "y") { if ((l == "a") || (l == "u") || (l == "o")) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { k = "i"; } } if (k == "m") { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { if ((l == "b") || (l == "m") || (l == "p")) { otp = otp + "n"; cnt += 1; } else { otp = otp + "mu"; cnt += 1; } } } if (isvowel(k) || ((k == "n") && (!isvowel(l)))) { otp = otp + k; cnt = cnt + 1; } if (k == "q") { k = "k"; } if (k == "v") { k = "b"; } if (k == "l") { k = "r";} if (k == "c") { if (l == "h") { otp = otp + "chi"; cnt += 3; } else { if ((l == "e") || (l == "i") || (l == "y")) { k = "s"; } else { k = "k"; } } } if (k == "w") { if ((l == "a") || (l == "o")) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { if ((l == "i") || (l=="e")) { otp = otp + "u" + l; cnt += 2; } else { k = "b"; } } } if ((k == "b") || (k == "k") || (k == "r")) { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { otp = otp + k + "u"; cnt += 1; } } if (k == "d") { if ((l == "i") || (l == "a") || (l == "e")) { otp = otp + "de"; cnt += 2; } if ((l == "u") || (l == "o")) { otp = otp + "do"; cnt += 2; } if (!isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + "de"; cnt += 1; } } if (k == "f") { otp = otp + "fu"; cnt += 1; if (isvowel(l)) { cnt += 1; } } if (k == "h") { if (l == "u") { otp = otp + "fu"; cnt += 2; } else { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { otp = otp + "fu"; cnt += 1; } } } if (k == "z") { if (l == "i") { k = "j"; } else { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { otp = otp + "zu"; cnt += 1; } } } if (k == "n") { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } } if (k == "p") { if (l == "h") { otp = otp + "fu"; cnt += 2; } if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { otp = otp + "pu"; cnt += 1; } } if (k == "s") { if ((l == "i") || (l == "h")) { otp = otp + "shi"; cnt += 2; if (l == "h") { cnt += 1; } } else { if (isvowel(l)) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } else { otp = otp + "su"; cnt += 1; } } } if (k == "t") { if ((l == "a") || (l == "e") || (l == "o")) { otp = otp + k + l; cnt += 2; } if ((l == "u") || ((!isvowel(l)) && (!(l == "h")))) { otp = otp + "tsu"; cnt += 1; if (l == "u") { cnt += 1; } if ((l == "s") && (inp.charAt(cnt + 1) == "u")) { cnt += 2; } } if (l == "i") { otp = otp + "chi"; cnt += 2; } if (l == "h") { otp = otp + "fu"; cnt += 3; } } } name2 = "" + otp.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); for (j = 1; j <= otp.length - 1; j++) { name2 += otp.charAt(j); } alert(name1 + " isminin japonca telaffuzu: "" + name2 + """); } // End --> </script> <title>z-japonca_tel</title></HEAD> <BODY> <center> <form> İsminiz: <input type=text name="personname" size=15> <input type=button value="Japonca telaffuzu!" onClick="toJapanese(this.form.personname.value);"> </form> </center> </BODY> </HTML>
Arama Motoru-1
<Html><Head><Title>www.html-kodlari.tr.gg</title><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="tr"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"></head></html> <!-- Bu Sayfa www.html-kodlari.tr.gg Ürünüdür. --> <p> <script> <!-- START HIDE var MAX_ENGINES = 35; var tp=''; var tpp=''; var find = 'hunt'; var hold=0; var hold2=0; var gog=0; var ap=''; function MakeArray(n) { for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = 0; } this.maxlen = n; this.len = 0; return this; } var engs = new MakeArray(MAX_ENGINES); function find_substring(needle, haystack) { var i, needlen = needle.length, haylen = haystack.length; for (i=0; i<=haylen-needlen; i++) { if (needle == haystack.substring(i,i+needlen)) return i; } return false; } function Engine(name, opts, home, search) { var gotcha = find_substring(find, search); this.name = name; this.opts = opts; this.home = home; this.pre_gotcha = search.substring(0,gotcha); this.post_gotcha= search.substring(gotcha+find.length, search.length); } function Add(name, opts, home, search) { engs.len++; if (engs.len <= engs.maxlen) { engs[engs.len] = new Engine(name, opts, home, search) } else { alert ('Better increase MAX_ENGINES: ' + engs.Len + '>' + engs.maxlen) } } function DisplayForm() { document.writeln('<CENTER><FORM Name=Gotchaform OnSubmit="HandleForm(this); return false">'); document.writeln('<table border=0 bordercolor=black width=325 bgcolor=#FFCC33><tr><td width="125"><b><font size=2 face="arial">Aranacak Kelime:</b></td> <td width="200"><INPUT size=25 name="query"></td></tr></table>'); document.writeln(' <b><font size=2 face="arial">Nerede aranacak?</b> <SELECT name="service">'); for (i=1; i <= engs.len; i++) { document.writeln("<OPTION " + engs[i].opts + "> " + engs[i].name); } document.writeln('</SELECT> <br><input type=submit value="Ara ve Bul">'); document.writeln('</FORM> </CENTER>'); document.Gotchaform.query.focus() } function HandleForm(form){ var i, newq="", oldq=form.query.value; for (i=0; i<oldq.length; i++) { // compress [ ]+ into + var thischar = oldq.charAt(i); if (thischar =="+")newq += "%2B"; else if (thischar != ' ') newq += thischar; else if (lastchar != ' ') newq += '+'; lastchar = thischar; } var eng = engs[1+form.service.selectedIndex]; // Window search=window.open(newq ? 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Arama Motoru-2
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Arka Planda Yazı
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Arkaplanın Yanıp Sönmesi-1
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Arkaplan Animasyonu
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Değişen Yazı-1
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